Before - It look alike a dining table in chinese family house. I had cut 2 donut shapes to be half and glued it at the side... (Honestly, Mr. Charles gave me the idea ^.^V)
After - Try to use your imagination you might be able to see it's a flower and a pair of hand which is beside the flower at the middle of the work. Also, I put a circle at the top right-hand corner, it represent the sun. Beside that, I also sliced the paper as small pieces, and it represent the sun light. On the other hand, you also can find two bridge shapes on the top left-hand corner, it represent the rainbow and few pieces which are look like french fries, and it represent rainy day. Ok, actually i made all these is want to show the sun is always beside us. Although it's going to rain, but after rain the rainbow will appear on the sky. I'd like to tell everyone, we must think positive, be in the right, believes the best will happen and is full of hope, be an optimist...
Name : Chuck Wen Teng
ID : 0907Z73541
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