Art Museum Trip
The first artist I noticed in the museum was an artist named Zhang Zhou. I thought that the painting “Majestic Bridge really caught my attention. This painting is oil on canvas and I noticed that there is contrast, balance and proximity in this image. The yellow lights in this image really contrast well with the dark background. Zhang Zhou also balanced this picture very well as the towers on each side and cars balance together thus creating a sense of unity and a busy-calm.
I admired another of Zhang Zhou’s paintings. This one is named “Golden Peaks, KL”. This too was oil on canvas. In this painting I became aware of balance between the twin towers and the red moon. The buildings create an illuminating effect on the image emphasising the bustling life in the city. There is also contrast between the red sky ad the dark land creating a feeling of harmony and urban peace.
Another artist that caught my attention was an artist named Mahadi B. Ayob. His painting was called “Tamak Haloba” which means real greed. The reason this painting was titled greed was because it resembles the man’s greed to get what he wants (shown on his hand), and what it costs to get it (water and pots breaking). This painting has an hierarchy and repetition effect (pots leading up into the horizon).
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